Reference: FOI 009/23

Complaints brought by fire and rescue service employees against other employees

Received 25 January 2023


For EACH of the previous three fiscal years (i.e. 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22) and 2022/23 - up to December 31 - please can you tell me:

  1. The TOTAL number of complaints brought by fire and rescue service employees, against other rescue employees, under the relevant Complaints Procedure; ideally, I wish the data to be broken down by type of grievance/s (e.g. bullying and discrimination, sexual harassment and assault, etc.).
  2. The TOTAL number of complaints that were upheld.
  3. The TOTAL number of upheld complaints that resulted in disciplinary action


  1. The TOTAL number of complaints brought by fire and rescue service employees, against other fire and rescue employees, under the relevant Complaints Procedure; ideally, I wish the data to be broken down by type of grievance/s (e.g. bullying and discrimination, sexual harassment and assault, etc.).
    • 2019/20 - 1
    • 2020/21 - 2
    • 2021/22 - 4
    • 2022/23 - 4
  2. The TOTAL number of complaints that were upheld = 4
  3. The TOTAL number of upheld complaints that resulted in disciplinary action = 3