
Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service created the Safe+Sound programme to educate children about safety in a fun and interactive way!

Virtual Safe+Sound

We are currently offering Safe+Sound in an online format and will be produced as a weekly programme from the Safe+Sound team and partners.

Topics will include:

  • Fire Safety
  • Dealing with accidents and emergencies in the home
  • Relaxation, massage and emotional wellbeing
  • Railway safety/trespass
  • Water safety
  • Road safety
  • Internet safety

You can watch Safe+Sound live every Wednesday at 10am during term time, or view past editions of the show at any time on demand, by visiting the Learn Live platform.

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What is Safe+Sound?

Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service created the Safe+Sound programme to educate children about safety in a fun and interactive way!

  • The Safe+Sound sessions are offered to all Year 5 children across the County
  • Children will take part in a number of safety, wellbeing and life skills workshops at the fire station
  • We work with local and national specialist partners to deliver the workshops
  • Workshops take place in various spaces around the fire station, allowing children see some of the operational areas
  • The event is fully funded by Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service and our partners
  • Transport to and from the event is NOT provided

Topics include some of the following:

  • Fire Safety delivered in our immersive, interactive Pod
  • Road safety including staying safe around trucks, and seatbelt safety
  • Safety near railways and on level crossings
  • Water safety both inland and coastal waters
  • What to do in an emergency: including CPR, recovery position and calling for help
  • How to be a good citizen
  • Smart Money which teaches about debit cards and password safety
  • Making safer choices

Safe+Sound mobile pods

The Safe+Sound team now have state-of-the-art interactive mobile pods to deliver its education programmes. These pods allow for an immersive learning environment which will allow the team and partners to teach various topics including fire safety in the home, road safety, water safety, emotional wellbeing, and CPR amongst other things in an interactive way. Various scenarios are projected onto three walls of the pod producing a 270 degree view of the scene for the student. The software allows participants to answer questions and access more information by swiping sensors on the walls. The use of the pods adds an interactive element to Safe+Sound events to maximise learning outcomes. Each pod folds away to make transportation easier and there are two different sizes to accommodate either a large or a small audience.

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Our partners

  • Staffordshire Police - delivering elements from their vulnerability strategy
  • NHS Partnerships Trust - delivering basic life support, CPR and the use of a defibrillator to over 65-year-olds
  • DHL logistics and delivery company - delivering truck and child safety
  • Changes - delivering sessions focused on mental health and wellbeing
  • Stoke-on-Trent City Council - delivering Alcohol Awareness
  • Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership - delivering sessions on safer driving, covering distractions such as drugs and alcohol
  • Medequip - delivering assistive technology advice
  • Penny Rafferty - delivering Relaxation techniques
  • RNLI and Canal and Rivers Trust - delivering water safety
  • Red Cross - delivering ‘what to do in an emergency’ sessions.
  • Network Rail

For further information

Helen Wood (Education Manager) 
Tel: 01785 898842 / 07971 893241


Paul Carter
Tel: 01785 898791 / 07528 983138


Ruth Parkes
Tel: 01785 898757 / 07967 573509