Summer of '24

Summer is often a time for socialising with friends and enjoying the outdoors, so we’re encouraging everyone to consider their safety this summer as part of our ‘Summer of ‘24’ campaign.

Show your support for a safer summer by:

Avoid cooking after drinking alcohol: Your reactions and attention can be impaired by alcohol so you are best to have a takeaway or a sandwich rather than trying to cook something yourself.

Locating your BBQ in a safe place: Make sure your BBQ is kept away from fences, buildings or overhanging vegetation and always have a bucket of cold water to hand.Avoid using disposable BBQs in the countryside as they could start an accidental fire.

Considering unknown underwater hazards: Swimming in canals, rivers and lakes can be dangerous due to hidden currents and unknown hazards. Be water aware and if you get into trouble always float on your back and call for help.

Educate your children on the consequences of setting deliberate fires: They endanger lives and put a strain on firefighters, who are often needed elsewhere. It is also an offence and if someone is found to have started a fire, they could be arrested and receive a criminal record.

Treat the countryside with respect to keep outdoor spaces green: Take your rubbish home or put in a nearby bin. Don’t leave glass bottles lying on the ground as sunlight shining through glass can start a fire.Never throw cigarette ends out of car windows, make sure they are put out properly and disposed of in dedicated bins.

Making travel plans before you set off on a night out: If you’re heading out to meet friends for a drink, make sure you plan your journey home in advance. Even one drink can affect your ability to drive safely, so book a taxi, find a designated driver or use public transport to be on the safe side.

Avoiding driving the morning after a big night out: If you have a big night out you can still be over the limit the morning after so please don’t attempt to drive and find an alternative way to travel.

Let’s make it a summer to remember…for the right reasons.