On-call firefighter takes on marathon for charity
One of our on-call firefighters is taking on the Manchester Marathon to raise money for the Fire Fighters Charity.
Luke Zanin, from our on-call crew at Lichfield Community Fire Station, is taking on the 26-mile challenge as part of our ongoing efforts to raise £50,000 for charity in the wake of our 50th anniversary.
Luke said: “I’m keen on challenging myself and have taken part in a lot of physical challenges over the years, and I thought running this marathon next year would not only be a great opportunity for a new challenge but also raise money for a good cause like the Fire Firefighters Charity, especially as we’re aiming to raise money for them as a service.”
Luke is one of many members of staff who are taking on different challenges to help us raise money for the charity, who support the mental, physical and social needs of all serving and retired members of the UK's fire family.
Luke said: “I was thinking about my next challenge and thought that this coincided nicely with being able to be a part of this fantastic effort to raise £50k this year.”
Luke has worked for us as an on-call firefighter for nearly three years. He decided to become an on-call firefighter because he wanted to make a difference where he lives.
When Luke isn’t on-call, he works as part of the service’s falls team, which helps vulnerable people in the community.
You could become an on-call firefighter like Luke, while working in your primary employment. Visit our website for more information and to apply: https://www.staffordshirefire.gov.uk/careers/on-call-firefighters/
To sponsor Luke and help him raise money for the Fire Fighters Charity, visit: https://www.justgiving.com/page/luke-zanin-1722439029963?utm_medium=qrcode&utm_source=offline