Dog rescued after frozen lake fall

Dog rescued after frozen lake fall

Fire crews have rescued a dog from a frozen lake in the Stoke-on-Trent area.

We were called at 9.50am today (Monday 13 January) to Leek New Road following reports of a dog being in the water of a nearby lake.

A total of four crews attended Holden Lane pools, including a water rescue crew and an animal rescue crew.

Firefighters used ice paths to retrieve the dog from the water. Thankfully, the owner did not attempt to rescue the pet themselves and stayed safe while we attended the scene.

The animal, who is 15 months old, was treated with oxygen and wrapped in blankets before the owner took them to the vets.

We left the scene at 11.20am.

We are reminding people of the importance of staying safe around bodies of water, especially during cold snaps.

Frozen water is dangerous and should be avoided.

People should:

  • Avoid wandering too near the edge of bodies of water as icy or wet conditions could cause you to slip and fall in
  • Avoid testing the thickness of ice – it’s easy to slip and fall into freezing water
  • Make sure children understand how dangerous it is to play on ice with adults setting a good example and staying off the ice themselves
  • Keep pets on leads near to frozen water so they are not at risk of falling in.

For more safety tips, visit: Frozen waters.
